martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013


Divisibility Rules

Divisibility by 2
Look at the last digit of the number, is it 0, 2, 4, 6, 0r 8 ?
If it is means that the number can be divisible by 2. 

456 ---> it IS a multiple of 2 because the last number ( i mean 6)  is even.
25 ----. it is NOT divisible by 2 because the last number is IS NOT EVEN.

Divisibility by 3
A number can be divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits of the number is multiple of 3.


 2079 -----> it IS divisible by 3, because if you add all the numbers it gives        you a multiple of 3.
  2+0+7+9 =18 ---> 18 is a multiple of 3.

  928 ------> it is NOT divisible by 3, because if you add all the digits the result is not a multiple of 3.

Divisibility by 4
A number is divisible by 4, if the last 2 digits of the number are multiple of 4.
4624 ------> it IS divisible by 4, because when you look at the last two numbers (24) you notice that it is a multiple of 4.

Divisibility by 5
Numbers ending in a 5 or a 0 are always divisible by 5.

25, 50, 100, 5675 -------> they ARE divisible by 5 because they all end in 0 or 5.

Divisibility by 6
If the Number is divisible by 2 and 3 it is divisible by 6 also. Be careful! it is not one or the other. The number must be divisible by both 2 and 3 before you can conclude that it is divisible by 6.

6294 -------> this number is divisible by 2, because it ends with an even number, and it is divisible by 3 because if you add them up it gives you 21. So, it IS divisible by 6.

Divisibility by 9
the rule is almostthe same as the rule for divisibility by 3. A number can be divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits are a multiple of 9.

46926 -------> 4+6+9+2+6= 27------> 27 IS a multiple of 9. So, it IS divisible by 9.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Tipes of angles.

 <-------- obtuse angle
  1. obtuse angle: is an angle bigger than a 90 degree angle. 

2. Right angle: is an angle o more bigger or smaller than 90 degrees.

3. Acute angle: are angles smaller than a 90 degree angle.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Basic Geometry Concepts

Points: In geometry ,we usually the point with a number or letter. Every point needs a name. To name a point, we can use a single letter.      


LinesWe can use a line to connect two points on a sheet of paper. In geometry, a line is perfectly straight and extends forever in both directions.                                                                                                                                                              line                                                                                             

Planes: A plane is made up of an infinite amount of lines. Two-dimensional figures are called plane figures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         plane          

SpaceSpace is the set of all points in the three dimensions. It is made up of an infinite number of planes. Figures in space are called solids.                                                                                                                                                                        3D figures                                                    

Rays: ray is part of a line that extends without end in one direction. It starts from one endpoint and extends forever in one direction.                                                                               ray

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

mi primera semana de clases fue muy divertida porque conoci muchos profesores que nunca habia visto. tambien fue dificil porque en 6to yo estaba en regular y pase a avanzado y no es lo mismo. aunque con el tiempo uno se acostumbra a las tareas y tiene su horario para hacerlas tranquilamente sin estres.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

mi primera semana del colegio tuvo muchas sorpresas, tanto sobre los temas de las materias, como de los nuevos profesores.